Studiefinanciering, aanvullende beurs and collegegeldkrediet

This page explains how to apply for a lening, aanvullende beurs or collegegeldkrediet.

To apply to either of these 3 you need to have a DigID with sms – controle.
If you already have this you can continue, if not, explains how to get it.

To start go to:

Click “Studiefinanciering aanvragen

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Click “Inloggen Mijn DUO”

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Login using your details and the extra verification via SMS or the DigiD app

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Once you’ve logged in you click “Voor uzelf”

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Then you see this menu, hover over “Mijn Producten” and click on Studiefinanciering


This menu then opens and you click on the second “Wijzig”, behind Studiefinanciering


When this is clicked on you see the following menu, select “Mijn studiefinanciering wijzigen” and the date from which you want it to start.


Here there are 3 options, the first asks if you want a lening, the second for aanvullende beurs and thirdly collegegeldkrediet.

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Clicking yes on the loan shows more options, where it asks you how much you want to borrow per month (you can check how much you can borrow at, regarding the tuition fee loan it asks two things whereby for the first “Instellingscollegegeld” has to be selected as this is what applies to LUC, the option after this asks how much you want per month, again the maximum can be found on the website.

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You then click next and get to the summary page where you click on Akkoord, after which you’re done

Screenshot 2017-10-09 at 21.03.10Extra information:


Aanvullende beurs:
